Medical microneedling

A collagen induction therapy that reduces acne scars, stretch marks, fine lines, pigmentation, enlarged pores, blackheads and scarring and provides overall skin rejuvenation.

Medical Microneedling Exceed

The medical microneedling treatment is a procedure to improve the complexion of the skin by activating the skin's natural regeneration processes, which stimulates collagen synthesis.

With expert precision, technique and timing, EXCEED medical microneedling triggers growth factors to form new collagen. Very tiny needles are used to penetrate vertically into the top layer of skin and cause localized and controlled damage without significantly affecting the structure of the epidermis. By creating controlled micro-channels in the skin, the regeneration of skin cells is triggered via a natural healing process. By stimulating the fibroblasts that lie in the deeper layers of the skin, healthy collagen is produced naturally.



    about 40-60 minutes








    4 times in 12 weeks


    from €209

    EXCEED – Microneedling - How does it work?

    The Exceed microneedle device offers the latest treatment to naturally repair and restore aging skin. The EXCEED treatment has been clinically proven to significantly improve facial acne scars with excellent results in just 12 weeks.

    Clinically proven skin rejuvenation*
    Reducing the appearance of acne scars and facial lines on the face.
    Show off your flawless skin:

    For those who desire a smooth complexion, microneedling is a minimally invasive* solution that stimulates collagen deposition.

    The natural healing process causes the skin to:

    • to form new collagen
    • Treat acne scars on face
    Beautiful woman receiving microneedling rejuvenation treatment. mesotherapy.



    Increase in natural collagen formation


    Minimize fine lines


    Minimal downtime


    Reduce pore size & improve skin texture

    Prices EXCEED – Microneedling

    After a successful consultation, you are free to decide whether you would rather book each treatment individually or for yourself
    choose one of the advantage packages.

    individual prices

    BehandlungEinzelpreisEinzelpreis im 4er Paket
    Facial (Full Face)€269€209
    upper back€329€299
    thigh (outside)€329€249
    Thigh (Inside)€299€249

    FAQ Exceed Microneedling

    How many applications are needed?

    Abhängig von Typ, Alter und Farbe der Pigmentierung können mehrere Behandlungen nötig sein, um optimale Resultate zu erzielen. In der Regel benötigt man ca. 3 Behandlungen, die im 4 Wochen-Rhythmus erfolgen.

    How long does a treatment take?

    A treatment lasts between 40 and 60 minutes

    Worauf sollte ich vor der Behandlung achten?

    • 2 Wochen keine Einnahme von Medikamenten, welche die Lichtsensibilität erhöhen (z.B. Antibiotikum, Cortison, Antidepressiva, PrEP)

    • Mindestens 4 Wochen intensive Sonne vermeiden und kein Solarium besuchen

    • 6 Wochen keine Behandlung mit Botulinumtoxin oder Hyaluronsäure

    What should I pay attention to after the treatment?

    • 3-4 Wochen nach der Behandlung ausreichenden Sonnenschutz verwenden (50 SPF alle 2,5 Stunden) und kein Solarium nutzen

    • 48 Stunden kein Make-up, Puder oder eigene Kostmetik verwenden. Es werden Ihnen Produkte und Pflegeanweisungen ausgehändigt.  

    • 3 Wochen keine Hauteingriffe, wie Laserbehandlungen, Chemische Peelings, Hautausreinigungen usw.

    • 14 Tage keine Sauna, Dampfbad

    • 7 Tage auf exzessiven Sport verzichten

    • benutzen Sie 2x am Tag Ebenol oder eine andere antiseptische Salbe für 7 Tage

    • entfernen Sie die sich bildenden Krusten nicht

    • öffnen Sie keine entstehenden Milien oder Pusteln

    Ist die Behandlung schmerzhaft?

    Die feinen Einstiche führen in der Regel nur zu leichten Schmerzen. Dennoch wird vorab eine spezielle Betäubungscreme auf die Haut aufgetragen, um die Behandlung noch angenehmer zu machen. Eine Narkose wird nicht benötigt.

    Is there a minimum age for treatment?

    Ab 18 Jahren.


    EXCEED by Candela Medical is a medical microneedling device that has been clinically proven to visibly reduce wrinkles and treat acne scars, specifically to reduce scar depth and normalize skin texture.


    Combination of HydraFacial + Microneedling

    How the combination of the two skin treatments can lead to faster, more effective & better results at the ERA Esthetic center in Frankfurt am Main

    Two treatments perfectly combined

    The combination therapy of HydraFacial MD® and EXCEED® Microneedling is like treating the skin from the inside out AND from the outside in. We establish a skin strategy of treating either a HydraFacial® or EXCEED® every 3 to 4 weeks over a number of months.

    HydraFacials work from the outside in by providing a deep cleanse, extractions, light exfoliation and moisture infusion that can be customized to treat conditions like acne, sun damage and premature aging. EXCEED® works from the inside out by stimulating the wound healing cycle deep within the skin and promoting the growth of fresh, healthy collagen that smoothes acne scars, diminishes the appearance of enlarged pores and softens fine lines.


    Depending on the needs of your skin, a full or partial HydraFacial and Exceed Microneedling treatment can be combined. Our specialists will advise you on the right combination for the needs of your skin.

    EXCEED – Microneedling: Before / After

    Do you see the change?

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